Welcome to the Alpha Launch of FanSeeStats, a family of web apps. This includes our own LeagueKeeper V0.7 custom database and the following five websites:
LeagueKeeper is FanSeeStats‘ custom database that powers the statistics of all of the websites. The websites will be slowly developed over the next few months and years as we add data, posts, and features. What is available right now is the Glossary and Newsletter pages. There is way more to come and this website is considered to be an alpha launch.
An alpha launch is a version of the product which has passed initial testing but for which no documentation or support is available. The primary audience for this release is the technically interested. Issues may be submitted to support but no reply can be expected as we know there is so much more to do.
The goal of FanSeeStats is to be one of the top web resources for sports statistics that focuses on professional league play in North America. Where FanSeeStats intends to excel is by telling a story narratively and dynamically through the stats combined with technology. Other websites that are a source of inspiration and friendly competition would be StatsCrew.com, FlashScore.ca, mCubed.net, OurSportsCentral.com, and RetroSeasons.com.
My name is Al Young and I’m a sports stats enthusiast and have been one since my teens. I have fond memories of visiting my local library to dig through sport league almanacs.
This has been worked on since 2016 when I established the first versions of the websites but then needed various developers to help me create the database and link it to the websites. It has taken years of slow development and trial and error and now its possible to relaunch.
While I appreciate all sports I do love hockey first and foremost. My goal is to take my fascination with sports stats and history and see if I can combine them with some unique analysis and technology to make them even more of an interesting story. There is much more to come and I’m excited for the future as this project develops.
Thanks so much for visiting and please sign up with our newsletter so we can notify you about any changes to our websites. You can also send comments to us through our Public Relations website.
Long live sports!